What Are The Benefits Of Yoni Eggs?

What Are The Benefits Of Yoni Eggs?


Yoni eggs have been used for over 5,000 years. It is believed that since ancient times, empresses and concubines of the royal family in China secretly used yoni eggs to awaken their sensual desire and maintain astounding health until their old age. 

What is a Yoni Egg?

A yoni egg is an egg-shaped semi-precious stone that is used inside a woman’s yoni (vagina) to provide a myriad of benefits, sexually and otherwise. ‘Yoni’ means ‘sacred space or temple,’ and it is also known as the symbol of the ‘shakti’ or ‘Goddess’ in Hinduism.

The yoni egg practice strengthens the lower abdomen and pelvic floor, while also enhancing the health of female reproductive organs and balancing hormones. Additionally, the practice prevents the decline of nerve, bladder, and uterus issues with age. 

By learning to use a yoni egg, women can dramatically increase their sexual life force energy, which also serves to significantly increase libido. Because of these powerful benefits, the yoni egg practice is now being taught to women around the globe who want to experience these effects.

What are the Benefits of Yoni Eggs?

Below are just some of the benefits of using yoni eggs:

Increase libido

A woman's sexual desire can naturally increase or decrease over time due to a variety of factors such as age, relationship dynamics, pregnancy, menopause, illness or medications. Using a yoni egg is a powerful natural way to boost libido.

Yoni eggs made of black obsidian in particular can effectively increase libido, due to the beneficial properties of the stone indicated previously in this article. Along with an increase in libido, it is common to notice an obvious increase in vaginal lubrication due to the increased strength & circulation to the pelvic area from using your yoni egg. An overall increase in sensitivity inside the vagina is also a common effect, which leads to enhanced pleasure during intercourse and becoming much more orgasmic.

Enhance intimate relationship with oneself

5000 years ago, empresses and concubines of the royal palace in China used stone eggs that were carved out of jade to access their sexual power and become spiritually connected with their inner feminine.

With the rise of yoni eggs in the mainstream, women all over the globe have access to this powerful practice which allows them to become intimately connected to their yoni. By bringing awareness to your yoni with the egg, it is possible to heal dissociation and disconnection from the vagina - which then allows you to access the intuition within your yoni and womb space.

As a result of bringing awareness to the pelvic region and consciously working with the egg, sexual trauma and suppressed experiences can be healed, allowing women to experience profound pleasure and sexual fulfillment.

By using a black obsidian yoni egg in particular, you can benefit from the stone’s energetic properties which support the clearing of emotional blockages and negative energy. For this reason, black obsidian is a popular choice of stone to work, particularly for women who are looking to heal sexual trauma.

Total control over your vaginal muscles

Using a yoni egg correctly increases the strength of the vaginal walls and provides women with articulation within their vaginal canal. This means that you can feel & engage different areas inside your yoni - which enhances pleasure for you and your partner.

Using a yoni egg can also be highly beneficial to your partner since it can allow you to enhance his pleasure or support him with ejaculation control. Moreover, it significantly improves your ability to reach climax consistently during intercourse. 

Improve overall health

Incorporating a yoni egg into your personal practice is an excellent way to support overall health and wellbeing. It is common for women to experience a variety of health benefits including a lessening of PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps, and the duration of the menses. It can also reduce menopausal symptoms since it helps balance estrogen levels and enhances blood circulation.

The yoni egg not only enhances sexual pleasure and satisfaction, it is a powerful and essential tool for optimal health. 

Keep in mind that your yoni is very sensitive (energetically & physically), thus it is essential to purchase a genuine yoni egg from a trusted source. 

If you are feeling called to begin your yoni egg practice, you can browse our genuine and high-quality yoni eggs here.