
Sacred Self-Pleasure

online guide



SO MUCH YES to you prioritizing your pleasure!

Self-pleasure is about so much more than just getting off! It’s about showing yourself that you are worthy of love, attention, & affection. As you become your own lover, you will begin emitting a frequency to the world & those around you that says - I deserve this! And thus you will attract even MORE pleasure into your life.

Before you begin, be sure to join our Private Facebook Group. Share your intentions & progress with the amazing community of women doing this work - as it will help you to integrate your own journey AND it will support the learning of others.

This mini-guide is a taste of our Signature Online Course for Women, Viva La Vagina. To access the full course you can use the code EMPOWEREDYONI for 30% off! Browse the course details here.

Purchase your own crystal pleasure wand (my favourite tool for sacred self-pleasuring) here, and use the code VAGINAPERKS for 15% off!


Going Inside

The magic of exploring & awakening the INSIDE of the vagina. (Essential knowledge for women wanting to awaken their full sexual power through self-pleasure).

Breath & Expression

The importance of focusing on breath & allowing yourself to express sound while self-pleasuring & engaging with your sexual energy.

Self-Pleasure 101

How to self-pleasure for personal transformation, true confidence, and deep fulfillment. Self-pleasuring in this way will help to to experience more profound pleasure & orgasms.

Take the challenge: Commit to a 7-day, 21-day, or 30-day challenge of self-pleasuring. Showing up day after day will help you to really notice the changes in yourself and your life. (If you absolutely cannot fulfill a challenge, aim for a minimum of 3 days a week).

Ideally, self-pleasure is an ongoing practice that you return to regularly.



Noteworthy Q&A on Self-Pleasure

Q: "I feel unmotivated to self-pleasure. I’ve committed to setting the space for it, but I’m still experiencing very little (if any) pleasure during the experience. Plus I feel like I need external stimuli (like porn or a partner) to feel aroused…”


Using Crystal Dildos

How to change the way you to relate to your own body by using your crystal pleasure wand for SLOW pleasure.

Choose your own crystal pleasure wand here.

Clitoral Orgasms

Understanding the nature of the clitoris, and some perspective on vibrators. How to reach clitoral orgasms if you haven't before, and how to make clitoral orgasms more fulfilling.

G-Spot Orgasms & Female Ejaculation

How to experience these deeply emotional & liberating orgasms - and how to ejaculate! Plus, the best g-spot toys & how to play.

My Favourite G-Spot Wand, The Venus Wand, is here.

Cervical Orgasms

Cosmic orgasms revealed! Understanding the Cervix-Heart connection and how to experience the orgasms that change your life.

Recommended toy: Thick or Traditional-style pleasure wands

To go deeper with awakening the g-spot & cervix to pleasure, you may wish to explore the Self-Yoni Massage Online Course or Viva La Vagina.

Breast Massage

Breast-heart connection, breast health, and breast massage.

My absolute favourite breast massage oil is by Living Libations, you can purchase it here.

BONUS: Womb Clearing

The importance of honouring your vagina and womb, and keeping her clear of energetic and emotional clutter. A powerful meditation to release past experiences and cleanse your womb.


Share about your experience of self-pleasure in our Private Facebook Group. Do you ever feel resistant towards it? Have you been able to incorporate deeper breathing & relaxation? What has shifted for you? We want to know the juicy details!

Courtney xx

P.S. Want more juicy pleasure? In addition to our Signature Online Course for Women, Viva La Vagina, we have other mini-guides on G-Spot Bliss, Cervical Awakening, & Self-Yoni Massage. Browse them here.

P.P.S. If you have completed the guide & would like to submit a testimonial, please do so using the form below. I’m grateful for your feedback and would love to hear from you!

© 2018-2022 The Empowered Woman