Finding your next teacher: the body's discernment
The BODY is our primary tool of discernment - especially when it comes to choosing who to learn from.
There is often a big difference between someone my mind THINKS I should learn from (eg. “They’re so well-respected!”), versus the transmissions that feel truly aligned in my body.
I cannot tell you how many big-name, multi-millionaire, &/or embodiment-branded coaches whose embodied transmissions are a complete FUCK NO in my body.
My mind is like - but they have such a big devoted following! They’re famous! They’re rich! They are such a well-respected this/that…
And when my body doesn’t like the transmission, my mind is also like - am I missing something? Am I in some kind of blind-spot judgment or resistance?
But when I consult my body (and my trusted embodied friends/mentors - because let’s be real, sometimes I need the reassurance that I’m not crazy)… the bottom line is clear:
I do not want that person’s transmission in my own field of consciousness.
And when I can get past my judgments about my own discernment, I am often able to see the underground energetic hooks, manipulations, and patterns at play in the person’s transmission, that my body was saying NO to.
Just because someone is a rich money-coach, doesn’t mean their transmission around becoming wealthy is aligned or worth following.
Just because someone is globally known for their teachings on embodiment - doesn’t mean they’re actually embodied 🙊
Of course, it’s also true that sometimes we dislike things because we are in resistance to something that “could help us.”
But here’s the thing: I TRUST that resistance.
I trust that there’s an intelligence in it.
And the most insane magic in my life continues to unfold by unconditionally trusting my body, its rhythms, & the weird frequencies it picks up on that my mind cannot make sense of.
So my invitation to you is: What might unfold in your life if you simply trusted your body’s responsiveness?