When the Body Says Yes to Bad Boys
You can have all the "ideal relating" strategies & rules in your head...
You can understand attachment theory, co-dependency, your triggers, etc etc...
But when the body says yes, you've got two options:
1) Sit on the sidelines, fight it & try to analyze your way out of making the same "mistakes" again.
2) OR, go in.
Go into the relating with as much presence & awareness as possible, and recognize that your body is saying YES for a reason: growth.
In my experience, no matter how much intellectual awareness I cultivate, my body still becomes activated by trauma & patterns that have not been INTEGRATED.
This happened again recently as I met a man who I immediately recognized, matches the attachment imprint that I've been drawn to in many men before...
While my mind was like, "this again?" and I spent the first several days trying to "solve" my way out of the relating to avoid feeling my own attachment wound once again,
I eventually succumbed to the realization: I needed to get in the game 🏀
To go in, and recognize that once again I am being invited to deepen my capacity to meet MYSELF.
To hold my own inner child who still wants her parents to be there for her in the way they couldn't be.
No question, there is a time & place to take healthy space, and to navigate triggers SLOWLY.
But it's the embodied experience that heals us. Not just intellectual understanding.