The Empowered Woman

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Credentials are [Often] Irrelevant

If you have a PhD, good on you but also your “qualification” doesn’t mean you’re equipped to support others if it’s not backed up by the REAL PERSONAL WORK required to guide others in these realms.

I can FEEL when people have been to the depth’s I’m navigating. And when they haven’t.

I paid $200 this week to sit one hour with a registered psychologist who basically used basic life coaching skills to guide me through core trauma 🤦‍♀️

It’s not the $200 that matters. It’s that the justification of the $200 is the assumption that there is a level of expertise in this person that IS NOT ACTUALLY THERE.

To be clear I’m not saying all Registered Psychologists, Doctors, etc. are bogus - I’m saying that a credential is DEFINITELY not everything. And sometimes it’s not anything.

Academic study is never going to be a replacement for EMBODIED EXPERIENCE.

I built a multiple 6 figure business in less than 2 years, influenced thousands of people, and have never been asked about my formal credentials.

I also have never taken a business or marketing course.

My success has come from the TRUTH that emanates from my message & experience.

Moreover - when it comes to working with trauma we can only do so much at the level of thought. .
Sure, some processing can occur by thinking & talking about what is in your EXPLICIT memory, but when it comes to core trauma there is rarely explicit memory.

It’s IMPLICIT memory, which means the information is held in the body. And you can only work with it through the SUBTLE TRACKING of a person’s somatic experience IN THE PRESENT MOMENT.

When this is done effectively, integration of trauma can occur within a moment. Which is what I’ve experienced countless times with my own teacher and what I experienced again this morning…

What’s my point?

1) Academic education and knowledge accumulation can never be a substitute for EMBODIED EXPERIENCE

And 2) When it comes to healing in the realms of the unconscious (AKA integrating trauma), we cannot bypass the body with the mind. The body IS the ACCESS POINT.

Gratitude to my teachers for their guidance.