Why Deconstruction Feels Confusing
Your present reality will ALWAYS feel confusing when a big pattern is untangling.
Especially in relating…
Questions like:
- What is this all for?
- What is the point of relationship?
- What do I really want?
- etc etc etc
Are just part of the untangling process.
Because everything that stood upon the structure that is coming apart, will also come apart.
This can feel scary, especially the first few times we experience it in life.
During my major deconstruction, I could not comprehend fucking ANYTHING.
I was walking the streets of NYC being like,
😱 “What is the point of having a body?”
😱 “Am I going to end up homeless?”
😱 “WTF is everyone doing selling personal development, it’s all LUNACY and makes no fucking sense, there is ONLY the here and now!!!”
I was full on tripping because big structures in my consciousness were coming apart.
Nowadays I experience mini versions of this often.
Whenever a codependency untangles in my relationship, there is something in me that has to check whether it still wants the relationship.
(This is also why many people RESIST untangling codependency, because deep down there is a fear that the relationship will have to end)
And sometimes it needs to!
That’s the risk.
There is never a guarantee that whatever job, relationship, purpose, or path you are on will feel right on the other side of internal deconstruction.
So it comes down to trust & surrender.
Knowing that what is meant for you, will remain. The more times we pass through these portals, the “easier” it gets.
Because our trust in life’s intelligence deepens.
But I share this to highlight that the thoughts & questions that arise during deconstruction are not necessarily “true” in an everlasting sense.
They simply need to be honoured & explored as part of the process.