The Feminine's Boundary is a Test
Part of the feminine’s test as to whether the masculine can “handle” her wildness (which we know he desires),
Is based upon how he responds to her 𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲.
How he navigates what arises within himself when she asks to slow down, to pause, to shift, to stop…
Is a massive indication to her as to whether he is ready to handle her “next level” of opening, or not.
It is perfectly understandable that the feminine’s boundary, even when cleanly expressed, may bring up feelings of inadequacy, confusion, frustration, etc. in the masculine.
The issue is less about WHAT comes up for him, than HOW he responds to the arising.
Does he collapse, outburst, blame, or abandon her in the face of these feelings?
Or is he prepared to meet himself in the fire?
Either way - he reveals his true capacity to receive her in this process.