The Ability to Recruit Support


Adult capacity in the nervous system is not just the capacity to be present to yourself,⁠

It's the ability to be pro-active about resourcing yourself BEFORE getting to the point of overwhelm.⁠

A big sign that you've cultivated GREATER adult capacity to care for your inner little one, is the ability to recruit support around you.⁠

For example, during this huge inner/outer transition I am going through right now,⁠

I have done the following:⁠

👑 increased the number of calls with my teacher per week, from two to four⁠

👑 prioritized finding a transitional living environment that makes me feel luxurious & HELD, even if it means spending a lot more⁠

👑 prioritized quiet time to journal & care for my body amidst the intense amount of logistics & planning⁠

👑 allowed myself to lean upon semi-neurotic tendencies that help me regulate (like obsessive list-making)⁠

Overall, there is an enhanced capacity to care for myself proactively --> which has developed from the ongoing practice of sensing, feeling, & honouring my nervous system.⁠

The ability to be proactive in this manner, rather than desperately calling in the troops in a moment of absolute crisis, is evidence of an increased adult capacity.⁠

It is evidence of being attuned to oneself - which is at the essence of re-parenting the inner child & nervous system healing.