The Skillfully Dominant Man


There is a difference between a man who dominates with forcefulness vs. dominates by skillfully opening a woman.

The force is a turn off and feels unsafe to the woman.

He is not actually attuned to her.

A man who dominates with force as his default undoubtedly has this type of relationship with his own inner feminine.

He doesn’t understand how to sense & honour HIMSELF deeply.

How to dance with his inner feminine in a way that provides true safety rather than suppressing/overriding her.

SKILLFUL dominance is in service of a woman’s heart. It is nuanced & subtle.

And it arises from a deep place of confidence & competence in himself.

He is not dominating to PROVE anything to himself or even to her for that matter.

If he is in a place of convincing or proving, he has already stepped out of his position of power.

The skillfully dominant man passes her tests because he can sense her true desires underneath the testing.

And he cuts through the BS and meets the true desire, rather than giving the test the attention.

Many of you asked for examples of feminine testing.

There are limitless examples of feminine testing and really it comes down to each woman’s way of testing the safety of the masculine container.

Eg. Pushing his boundaries and seeing how firm he will be in them, or trying to take the lead to see if he will overpower her masculine with his own...

It depends on the moment by moment basis of what she desires to feel from him.

The test can also be understood as a form of distraction - she is actually inviting him to see beyond the test and recognize/meet her true feminine desire in that moment.

Which typically comes down to SAFETY.

Knowing she is safe because:

- he has solid boundaries

- he is confident & thus cannot be manipulated

- he unwaveringly claims her

- he can offer a structure she can relax into

The way she tests him will be shaped by her own unique nervous system, needs, history/trauma, eroticisms, etc.

The most masterful man when it comes to passing a woman’s tests is a man who is in healthy relationship with his inner feminine.