The Empowered Woman

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Why I Stopped "Trying" to Grow

The reason I stopped "trying" to grow is because so many of the patterns that protected me from MEETING myself fell away.⁠

As I've met myself, the illusion that some other moment could be better than this moment, disintegrated.⁠

So the reasons to 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒆 for growth, became laughable.⁠

Like trying to make something happen --> more than it already, inevitably, constantly happens.⁠

The real "effort" required to grow, is the courage to keep meeting truth.⁠

Over, and over, and over again.⁠

In this sense, growth occurs through 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓.⁠

By dying to the old so that I can meet myself anew.⁠

By courageously saying YES to life's invitations, while honouring her resistance.⁠

This kind of growth inevitably comes with grief.⁠

It is one death/rebirth after another.⁠

And yet it is the most rapid, easeful, & fulfilling kind of growth.⁠

Where life fulfills my deepest divine longings, almost never in the ways I expected or THOUGHT I wanted,⁠

But in the ways my soul needs.⁠

Because I keep showing up to meet life fully, how it is, in this moment.