What Do You Use A Crystal Wand For?

What Do You Use A Crystal Wand For?

Much like a magic wand, a crystal wand has the ability to channel energies to its tip to heal one’s aura or the whole body. Crystals have the ability to transmute negative energy in individuals and environments to support more positive energetic states. In addition, because of the elongated shape, a crystal wand is able to focus healing energy into a straight line such that energy can be intentionally directed by us.

For hundreds of years, crystals have been known for their healing and restorative properties and have always been used by healers. Crystal wands in particular are effective for assisting the scanning of the aura and chakras to clear energetic blockages. Ultimately, they can enhance your body’s own healing abilities and reduce stress.

Getting Started

Be intentional. The power of your meditation and intentions move and channel the energies of your crystal wand.

When using your crystal wand for the first time, while meditating, hold it gently in your hands and attune to the feel of it physically and energetically with your awareness. Familiarize yourself with its shape, weight and texture. By knowing all the facets of the crystal wand, the more you will be able to harness its benefits. Each crystal has its own frequencies and energies.

Benefits and Uses

In general, a crystal wand has the power to benefit your entire being, including the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. It can alleviate anxiety and depression, and other stress-related ailments.

A crystal wand can also heal and heighten one’s sexuality. It addresses sexual dysfunctions and promotes the free-flow of sexual energy throughout the body. Consequently, it can enhance the love and passion felt within one’s body and in romantic partnership.

More Specifically…

The crystal most associated with love and romance is Rose Quartz. It is known to balance the heart chakra, which attunes us to the frequency of unconditional love.
A Rose Quartz pleasure wand can support you to explore and embrace your sexuality, contributing to feelings of sexual freedom and aliveness.

Contrary to many other dildos available on the market, crystal pleasure wands do not contain harmful synthetic materials. A crystal pleasure wand is all natural and a more powerful toy for self-pleasure due to the added intentionality and energetic properties of the wand.  In addition, it will not deteriorate and will last a lifetime if cared for properly.

When you use your wand, breathe deeply and set an intention. While massaging your most intimate and sacred space with the wand, you can arouse and stimulate your innermost desires and use sexual energy to manifest them into reality. Many women report having incredible energetic orgasms through the use of a crystal pleasure wand that they have been unable to experience with conventional sex toys.

In addition to the crystal healing properties, the simple act of giving pleasure to yourself with a crystal wand nurtures self-love and deepens your appreciation of your body. It also supports increased awareness of your own relationship to your body and self.

Care and Storage

Before and after use, wash your crystal wand in warm water with mild soap. You may also use a bit of vinegar mixed in with water, or a couple drops of essential oils. 

Regularly recharge the wand energetically by leaving it out in the sun for an hour or overnight bathed under the moonlight. This works best on a full moon. 

Other ways to cleanse and recharge it is to wash it in the ocean, but when that is not possible, a simple salt water bath will do. 

Smudging with sage is also an effective way to recharge your wand. Light the sage, and move the wand through the smoke for about a minute (near an open window or outdoors). By doing this, you are releasing any negative energies held by the crystal.

When not in use, keep the wand away from extreme temperatures, and keep it in a sacred place.

One Final Note

It is best to consult a doctor before using a pleasure wand, especially for the first time. Also, be cautious when you are menstruating. If you are unsure whether it is a good time to use the crystal wand internally, you can meditate and ask your womb & yoni (vagina) - she will speak to you!

Above all, enjoy getting personal with your crystal wand and experiencing new heights of pleasure and self-love. The more that you use the wand, the more you will gain an intuitive sense for how to pleasure and heal your body with it.