How do you use Rose Quartz Stone?

How do you use Rose Quartz Stone?

Many women are excited to explore and understand their inner self and cultivate self-love. 

We consider loving yourself to be the process of fully accepting yourself and nurturing your growth, sensuality, confidence, and wellbeing. Thus, when it comes to incorporating Rose Quartz into your life, there are many ways you can go about it. The energetic properties of Rose Quartz are known to promote self-love, have a strong effect on the heart chakra, promote healing, and much more. This means that regardless of how you decide to use Rose Quartz, you can benefit from its self-love enhancing properties. However, by incorporating the stone into your life through specific and intentional practices, you can experience its healing properties even moreso.

What is Rose Quartz stone?

Rose Quartz stone is popularly known as the stone of universal love. Aside from encouraging unconditional love, it is also known for restoring trust, relationships, and promoting self-love. 

This stone can be found all around the globe, but unlike other types of quartz, Rose Quartz is not sensitive to light, so the color doesn't fade away. These stones are usually mined in South-Africa, Madagascar, Namibia, Brazil, and South Dakota, USA. 

How to use Rose Quartz stone?

Below we have provided some effective ways to use this stone to improve your self-confidence and sexuality.

Self-Love Ritual

As previously mentioned, Rose Quartz stone promotes self-love. Start by developing a self-love ritual using the Rose Quartz stone daily. In the morning, for example, hold the Rose Quartz stone and place it near in your heart. While facing the morning sunlight, slowly breathe in and out deeply while repeating an affirmation such as 'I choose love.' Repeat your chosen affirmation until you begin to feel a shift in your state, which indicates that the affirmation has begun to influence your body and mind in some way. 

You can also incorporate this ritual in the evening by lying down on your bed or using a yoga mat. For 10 minutes, place your Rose Quartz stone over your heart, close your eyes and again slowly breathe in and out deeply. This regime helps you to clear your heart and mind of stuck energy and negative emotions, such that you can become more available to feel love.

Love Making Ritual

Another great benefit of having a Rose Quartz stone is that you can create a ritual that includes your partner. If you are currently having trouble with your relationship, or you are looking for ways to spice up your intimate life, then the Rose Quartz stone can support this as it promotes both healthy sensuality and sexuality. 

For 15 minutes, you can ask your partner to be with you in a quiet place or your bedroom and hold the Rose Quartz stone together. Stay still until both of you feel calm and relaxed. Rose Quartz stones are powerful aphrodisiacs promoting sex, sensuality, and intimacy. They can activate the sacral chakra which governs your desires and emotions. 

In addition, before lovemaking, you can place Rose Quartz stones beside the bed or create an altar for them inside the bedroom. This helps invigorate the libido and increase the virility of men so you and your partner can enjoy prolonged sexual intercourse. You can also consider introducing a pleasure wand (dildo) made from Rose Quartz into your lovemaking routine.

Bathing Ritual

Aside from self-love, you can use Rose Quartz stones to cultivate intimacy with yourself. For example, engage in a ritual with yourself that begins by soaking in a tub filled with ingredients such as pink Himalayan salt, rosewood, Rose Quartz stones, pink rose petals, and a glass of wine. For a deeper connection with love, light a candle instead of artificial light, and play some instrumental music. 

Again, place your Rose Quartz stones over your heart and one on your womb, take a deep breath and feel the love radiating from the stones and influencing your body’s energetic vibration. You can also do this regime with your partner to cultivate intimacy.

Healing Ritual

Rose Quartz stones have spiritual healing powers. They help your heart recover from heart-break and suffering. They are also known to balance your heart chakra where emotional experiences can be stored, and thus the stone can help to dissolve fear, sorrow, resentment, and other negativities. 

Find a peaceful place, sit down and hold your Rose Quartz stones near your chest just above your heart and again take a deep breath. Meditate on things that bring joy to your soul and a smile on your face. Rose Quartz stones can then balance the positive and negative energy within your body and bring your chakras (energetic centers) into greater harmony.


Rose Quartz can be beneficial on an energetic, emotional, and/or physical level when introduced to your surrounding space (i.e. bedroom or home), and its healing properties can be further enhanced by incorporating Rose Quartz in an intentional way such as through ritual, self-pleasure, sexual intimacy, meditation, and so on.