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Mastering Female Arousal

Viva La Vagina



How you show up sexually is how you show up in life.

After watching the videos below, it may become apparent that arousing women and experiencing a fulfilling sex life is a lot of work. 

It is - but the payoff is extraordinary.

Your sexual relationships can either be your power source, or an energy drain.

The principles in these videos are not shallow or easy - they come from a commitment to personal mastery.

Your devotion and commitment to sexual mastery is ultimately a personal growth & development journey. As such, you can view it as "work" or you can view it as a life-long mission.

As you invest in yourself and become more attractive to women, you are simultaneously investing in your ability to live a meaningful life.

You may like to revisit and pause the videos numerous times in order to develop a thorough understanding of female arousal. In addition, be sure to review the written summaries & practices.



In this video, I introduce a new way of thinking about foreplay, how to keep a woman sexually open and receptive, and the importance of maintaining relational transparency.


Women need to fully feel an emotion to release it. This video shares how to physically and emotionally "hold space" to allow this to occur, and reinforces the importance of your confident communication.

3 Steps to Holding Space

  1. Listen & Repeat her exact words

  2. Validate

  3. Emphasize

  4. BONUS: Ask "What Else?"

For the detailed Values & Polarity Summary, click here.

Resource: The 5 Love Languages


Introducing the importance of honouring her lubrication & your erection as truth.

Rock Hard Erections

Use your cock as your compass. Your cock is a metaphor and magnifying glass for the rest of your life. This video explains how to maintain a rock hard erection and provides a lens to examine your level of integrity.

When you struggle to maintain an erection, also stop to check in with your head (what are your prominent thoughts?) and your heart (what is your primary feeling?) - honour what you discover within.

For questions or support, feel free to contact my team using the form below.

Courtney xx

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