The Empowered Woman

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Why ALIGNMENT is More Important Than Biz Logistics

Here's why being SPIRITUALLY ALIGNED with your business is more important than doing the "right" logistical things...⁠

Because although many of your customers won't be consciously aware of it, they're buying from you or taking your courses because they want your TRANSMISSION.⁠

The sales page can use all the savvy marketing tactics and hit all their pain points & promise results,⁠

And the logistical basics might be effective enough to ensure you some success,⁠

But at the end of the day, people FEEL YOU in your business.⁠

Even if you're selling a purely physical product, it's not actually just physical.⁠

Your energetic imprint forms the foundation for your business & its felt in every facet of it.⁠

So the more you connect to your inner guidance (& can identify the various programs & "hooks" that attempt to pull you out of alignment),⁠

The more CLEANLY & POWERFULLY your transmission will be felt - and thus the more easily you'll attract & sell to the customers/clients whose systems genuinely want the information you have to give.⁠

Again the information your customer receives isn't just physical or mental knowledge, it's energetic.⁠

As I've become more & more sensitive, I can feel that my resonance with various cities, teachers, objects, practices, etc. is never really about the logical justification...⁠

My mind tries to justify why I'm drawn to something - but it's beyond the mind.⁠

My nervous system receives information just from being in the presence of those places/people/things...⁠

So does yours, and so do your potential customers & audience.⁠

So while the structure & mechanics of your business are important, ⁠

Your transmission is the gift.⁠

And the more attuned you can become to how life wants to move THROUGH you,⁠

Surrendering the egoic agenda & attempts to force,⁠

The more accessible your transmission becomes,⁠

And the more successful your business becomes ✨⁠