Attracting the Man You Desire
You will attract the man who can meet & honour you —> when you can say NO to everything that is not the exact thing you want.
It’s simple, yet not easy for many women.
Because it requires that you are anchored in your worth as a feminine being.
As a feminine essenced being, it is NOT your job to work hard to be met.
It is NOT your job to contort yourself, question yourself, change yourself… to be chosen & loved.
Your only “job” is to rest in your worth & standards.
Your only “job” is to be available to be met in the way you desire.
The only reason you are still attracting men who don’t meet you in a way that feels good, is because you’re available for it.
Some part of you is still an invitation to these men.
Some part of you is not quite sure that you can receive what you want.
Some part of you still thinks you might have to settle.
In a sense, this is not your fault. It is a view of the feminine self that has been passed down through generations.
The transmission that WOMAN needs to be a certain way to be chosen by a man.
This is the imprint many of us received.
But hear this now.
It’s simply not true that you must be a certain way to be desired & chosen.
It is the FEMININE’s discernment that determines whether the man is worthy,
Of being in her field,
Of receiving her attention
Of entering her body.
And when you truly understand the power of this, you will accept nothing less than the full extent of how you desire to be met by the masculine.
When you embody your inherent feminine worth, you not only become a vibrational match for the man you desire, but you inherently TEACH the masculine how to honour the feminine.
Allow these words to settle in to your body.
The only thing you need to DO to attract the man you desire (or the job you desire, or the opportunity you desire)…
is to cast a field (i.e. hold the feeling frequency in your body of how you desire to be met),
and set clear boundaries (i.e. say NO to everything that is not exactly what you want).
As you embody this, you become a TRANSMISSION of feminine worthiness for all other women to receive ✨