Communicate Boundaries with Ease
The key to making boundary communication EASY, and doing it in a way that creates MORE safety for both parties involved, is to build trust with your inner child.
i.e. become more sensitive to the inner little one's needs, recognize them SOONER, & actually HONOUR them rather than dismissing or suppressing.
When your inner child feels safe, knowing that YOU will recognize what they need AND you will honour it, the way in which you can COMMUNICATE the boundary will soften.
It will not be an abrupt, angry attack. It will also not be a weak or distorted expression out of fear for how the other person will respond...
If your system feels SAFE (i.e. you've cultivated trust within yourself), you can communicate in a way that is gentle, compassionate, and not making the other person "wrong"
Ultimately, the inner safety you've cultivated provides the CAPACITY to communicate in a way that creates more safety, not less of it.
I have noticed this HUGELY in my life...
I used to communicate boundaries somewhat aggressively because something in me unconsciously felt I needed to be aggressive in order to be effective.
In addition, I felt unworthy of expressing boundaries and so I would BLURT them out abruptly in ways that actually created LESS safety for others.
This was actually my inner child freaking out.
She’s gone through years of being over-stepped, ignored, suppressed, etc. not just by others but by ME.
Basically I had not cultivated trust within myself.
My inner child didn’t trust me to be SENSITIVE enough to her to even recognize her needs, let alone honour them with boundaries.
The more sensitive & honouring I've become of the inner child's needs --> suddenly I am finding conflict conversations & setting boundaries to be soooo easy & gentle...
I can express the boundary EARLIER, with more compassion towards myself AND the other person, & I’m left wondering….
“How could I have possibly found this to be so hard before??”
The little one inside you needs to feel YOU are listening to her. Then, it will become easy to ask others listen to her, too 💗✨