The Positive Side of Codependency
Codependency is often the attractive force that bring us into connection with others.
For this reason, it’s not necessary to vilify codependency altogether.
In many cases, codependencies actually serve the relationship - 𝒖𝒑 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝒂 𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕.
The issue becomes that we inevitably hit a point in the relating where it’s time for certain co-dependencies to integrate and drop away.
This is 𝗔) not easy work and 𝗕) something that actually occurs repeatedly in ALL relating
It is simply impossible to relate with ZERO unconscious codependencies…
The codependencies simply become more & more subtle, the deeper we do the work.
The SCARY part of integrating the codependencies is that we never know, on the other side of the integration, what the relationship will be.
It is literally like meeting each other anew.
In my experience, it is 100% always worth it to integrate.
Yes, there can be grief at the loss of what was,
But there is ALWAYS more love, connection, & clarity --> even if that means that the relating dynamic shifts in some way.
(Often it will shift for the better, anyways!)
On my journey (with much assistance from my teacher & community 😉), integrating codependencies when they arise to be seen is all about FEELING & BEING PRESENT TO all that wants to be seen/felt.
Because the things we have not wanted to see/feel are often the reason that the pattern formed & exists within us to begin with.
For this reason, receiving support & attunement at the nervous system level to make it SAFE to feel these things has been & continues to be invaluable. It is not about feeling everything all at once.
That is simply not healthy or sustainable.
It is about gently finding ways to become present to what is arising in our body to be felt, while monitoring the level of overwhelm & activation in the NS.