Integrating the Imprints of Sexual Shaming - Personal Entry
early in my sexual journey i initiated myself thru promiscuity as a process i innately felt was essential to liberating my own sexual expression. i 100% stand by my sexual past.
in my last relationship, i was with someone who had a strong christian background and ultimately there were very strong judgments cast onto my sexual past (despite my own knowing of the sacredness & importance of my journey),
because when it came down to it, my past triggered a deep sense of inadequacy in him that he simply was not ready to meet in himself,
and thus to remain in the relationship and not lose him, i began to carry those judgments in my body...
ive recently been starting to heal these imprints i received thru his projections - that i am dirty, “damaged goods”, shameful, etc.
i didnt realize until this week how dramatically that relationship drove those beliefs into my psyche,
and it has given me a deeper appreciation for the imprints that those who have experienced christian/catholic upbringings must meet in themselves along the journey of sexual embodiment & liberation.
i am also WAYYYY more sensitive now, to the energy of men who have patterns running that oppress & judge the feminine because they cannot meet their own pain.
i am so grateful to now be re-experiencing, at a much deeper level, the integration & liberation of my absolutely ravenous inner slut who wants NOTHING more than to experience the fullness of her sexual range & appetite 🔥