Finding the Sweet Spot of Serving in Business


One of the most relieving learnings of my business journey has been the realization that just because I am GOOD at something, doesn’t mean I am intended to SERVE in that same capacity.⁠

And that many of the the things I am GOOD at can be purely supplemental to the greater way in which I desire to serve.⁠

I think it can be confusing when coaches try to help you define your purpose or niche based on questions like…⁠

What is it that you have overcome, that you could help others with?⁠

Tell me a series of times that you made a difference in someone’s life?⁠

^ these types of questions can be powerful, for sure.⁠

But they can also lead us into traps around how we believe we “should” serve, rather than recognizing where our energy most naturally flows in accordance with our highest excitement & impact.⁠

For much of my life, I would have landed on the more narcissistic side of the empath-narcissist scale (which, by the way, are expressions of the same trauma).⁠

Although this has come into greater balance & integration within me, the selfish-leaning patterns in me have ultimately supported my commitment to deeper truth.⁠

My commitment to not settling for less than what is in alignment with my true essence.⁠

And many of the ways I’ve been told I “could” or “should” serve the world have often felt like settling.⁠

They’ve had this self-sacrificing tone and in my view, those kind of choices easily lead to martyrdom rather than one’s highest expression in the world.⁠

I am good at a lot of things. And - I’ve found it to be a relief that I am not obligated to SERVE in those same capacities, if they don’t excite me.