The Erotic Child


In the beginning, our first heart connection is with our parents.⁠

Also in the beginning, our first SEXUAL connection is typically with our parents.⁠

I'm not referring to overt sexual interaction, I'm referring to the simple arising of sexual energy.⁠

But this is confusing and unless your parents have fully integrated their own sexuality (highly unlikely), you probably experienced their subconscious rejection of your sexuality.⁠

Not their fault, they just didn't know how to respond to your sexuality in a healthy way.⁠

The outcome of this is the SEPARATION of your heart from your sacral/sexual centre.⁠

This is the conditioned default within most of us.⁠

And it leads to carrying fear, shame, & unworthiness around our sexuality.⁠

The unconscious narrative is: "If I let my sexual energy open up, the love will be withdrawn"⁠

So then when we DO connect sexually with another, we close our hearts.⁠

Sexual connection without love. ⁠
Love without sexual connection.⁠


Feel into this.⁠

If it's true for you, there's nothing to do or fix.⁠

You don't need to force anything.⁠

The first step is noticing and being very very gentle with these young parts.⁠