Free Bleeding - Month 3
Period panties round 3...
I'm continuing to find that free-bleeding is bringing lots of unconscious stuff to the surface during menstruation.
This past bleed I spent the entire first night awake, processing intense amounts of shame - seemingly lifetimes of it - for hours on end.
But the more I enter these deep spaces, the more I realize that nothing needs to be "done"
Meaning that "processing" is really just about being present to what's moving.
Noticing what I feel in my body at the energetic, physical, & emotional level.
This takes nervous system capacity, and so knowing how to resource your nervous system to not become overwhelmed is key.
But I'm learning to trust the deep feminine more & more... finding that she does the work for me.
So much integration occurs just simply from being present to what's moving.
Needing to understand it intellectually is not even really necessary - though it can certainly help to provide stability through the process.