Your Genitals are Intelligent


Your yoni & your cock are deeply intelligent. ⁠

Your yoni’s lack of lubrication in any given moment is intelligent. ⁠

Even when you think you want him to penetrate you.

Your cock’s lack of erection in any given moment is intelligent. ⁠

Even when you’re deeply sexually attracted to her. ⁠

Getting initiated into the wisdom of the body is about surrendering your programmed agenda & mental expectations to an intelligence far beyond the mind. ⁠

We access this intelligence by listening deeply to the body, to your yoni, to your cock, and TRUSTING it. ⁠

Trusting that your yoni/cock is an oracle. ⁠

Lack of lubrication or lack of erection is NOT an indication that something is wrong with you. ⁠

Of course in more extreme health cases, there may be an exception. ⁠

But these types of "explanations" are used wayyyyy too frequently. ⁠

As a rule, your yoni/cock is a barometer. ⁠

When I have been with men who are used to getting super erect with ease and suddenly when he is with me he experiences “difficulties” - this has literally always been because on some level my yoni is still saying no to him. ⁠

His cock knows this. His mind often does not. ⁠

When my heart is safe and my yoni is a full yes, his cock responds to that. ⁠

The feminine leads. She invites. He responds to this invitation. ⁠

So next time you are wondering what’s “wrong” with you in this scenario, look deeper, feel deeper. ⁠

On the other side of your frustration & expectations is a deep well of connection & bliss that can only be accessed when you align with your bodily intelligence. ⁠