Attracting a Man Who CHOOSES You Fully
If you want him to choose you fully, you must first choose yourself.
Let’s be real & acknowledge the fact that very few of us received the high quality presence & attention (i.e. connection & nervous system attunement) that we needed as a young child.
So we learned ways to receive “more” of it (although not nearly enough).
This included adopting attention-seeking behaviours or learning that if we overstep or overextend ourselves (i.e. no boundaries) we can receive more love/safety.
This carries over into adulthood where the same dynamic plays out... abandoning the self & the inner child in the hopes that the external world will finally give you what you need.
You want the external masculine to finally CHOOSE you & love you completely, but your inner masculine doesn’t attract this.
How do you shift this?
You become the caretaker, lover, & guardian of your inner child. You attune yourself to YOUR OWN nervous system, and learn how to radically honour yourself.
There is no more- “maybe if I compromise myself in this way, I can receive more of what I want/need”
HE will honour you as a reflection of you honouring yourself.
Yes- when you first begin to set these boundaries, you will feel the grief of losing relationships that have been maintained by a dynamic in which you overstep yourself to receive connection.
This is actually a process of meeting the already-present pain of your inner child.
The pain of the child who never received what she needed.
The more you can meet this pain in yourself, the less you need to cling to sub-par relationships that you unconsciously use to avoid feeling this.
And the more you become a vibrational match for the external masculine to choose & honour you in return.