Getting Off the Healing Hamster Wheel


Legit, I am not interested in fixing or healing you or me or this world.

I'm not interested in helping you "become the person you want to be"

Like nooooo!!!! Please no πŸ˜‚

It's not because I'm lazy or apathetic or insensitive.

It's just that there's nothing to fix.

I'm interested in meeting you, exactly as you are, here in the now.

I love your anger, your sadness, your rage, your shame.

As much as I love your joy & celebration.

I love it all.

You can't solve your way through your pain.

There is nowhere to get to.

There is only now.

When you see this, the illusion that you'll be fulfilled "ONLY WHEN" you have better orgasms, make more money, heal all your trauma, find the one, etc etc. dissolves and you realize that you're never "through it all"

So the urgency to change yourself & others & the world dissipates as you realize that this moment is as whole & perfect as any moment could ever be.

And that the "work" is never done - so why must you try so hard to grow, heal, & "better" yourself?

Growth happens. Healing happens. The present moment always arrives and it doesn’t need to be chased down.

This is the big hoax of the spiritual & personal development communities...

In essence, these communities are not that different from the "system."

The system tells you that when you finally achieve or become something DIFFERENT from what is now, you'll be happy.

The underlying tone in many spiritual communities is that when you finally "heal" yourself or "become the person you want to be," you'll be fulfilled.

Same game in a new disguise.

It's that whole illusion of progress that keeps us chasing the carrot in front of our nose.

I just don't dig it anymore.

But make sure you keep buying my crystal dildos because that's how you become "woke" like me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ

No but really... it's liberating to pursue things simply because you enjoy them &/or feel a genuine calling - not necessarily because that thing will "solve" all your shit and you'll finally be "fulfilled"...