How to Help Your Partner "Do Their Work"
The best way to support another person to “do their work” is to do your own work.
As soon as we begin carrying the responsibility of helping someone “see” something, we actually interfere with their process.
And the urge to help the other change is a sure sign that there is something we are not willing to see/own/feel in ourselves.
Often when we address our own side within these kinds of entanglements, the other person finally comes through, too.
“Coming through” doesn’t necessarily mean that the other person suddenly shows up in the way we desire (though it can mean this!),
It just means that the integration on your side signals to their nervous system that you are no longer available for relating in the same way...
Therefore they are either invited to integrate & level up too, or else find another relationship within which they can remain in their patterns.
Much of this occurs at a subconscious, energetic level.
Ever wonder why as soon as you are ready to move on with your life after a breakup, your ex texts you? 😆
Or both of you are suddenly ready to reconcile things at the same time?
The highest truth is we actually don’t know WHICH person “did the work” that created the shift in these scenarios.
(Though I often like to take the credit 😜)
All we know is that there are energetic entanglements of patterns that bring people together, and life often gives us circumstances to bring these patterns to peace.
Let this be a gentle reminder to stay in your own lane.
Take care of YOUR side of things, and somewhere along the way clarity will arrive that brings about deeper connection or a parting of ways.
The outcome is always beyond our control anyways, as our soul has a path it must walk - and we can either choose to fight & prolong the journey, or welcome it.