The Initiation of Anxiety
Your panic & anxiety is the ultimate test for whether you believe your thoughts to be true.
When you're experiencing a strong emotional charge, your thoughts will be convincing AF.
Your mind will do its very best to regain a sense of control.
And as long as you believe that your mind can help you achieve the safety you seek, you will suffer immensely.
Every time that you bring your awareness back into feeling your body & becoming present to the NOW, you create space to experience the safety that the mind can never give you.
In addition, by feeling your body WHILE the anxiety is high, you are giving your system *new* information.
As a child you did not have the capacity to feel this panic - and so you had to dissociate. This was actually an intelligent response at the time.
However now, your ADULT nervous system repeats this pattern of dissociation.
By gently bringing your awareness back into your body time & time again, your system learns that it CAN feel this.
And this is how your capacity builds - as your system learns to be present to the feelings it once ran away from.