Developing the Inner Masculine Foundation
I used to feel huge urgency around MAKING things happen in my life. When I’d relate with a new man, I would feel a need to push things forwards because I needed certainty.
When I’d have a new business idea, I would get manic about executing it and felt like I couldn’t get to the outcome soon enough.
When I’d experience a relational conflict, I would REQUIRE that we hash it out straight away.
I had very little capacity to sit in the unknown. And I was not connected to a sense of trust & safety within myself.
I couldn’t let go of control. And I thought this made me “masculine” but in fact these were immature masculine qualities.
I was wearing a controlling masculine *shell* to protect the terrified little girl underneath.
I am a deeply feminine being and while I’ve always cherished my leadership abilities, I truthfully *really* wanted to feel led.
From the exhaustion of always needing to stay in control, I projected frustration, disappointment, and lack of trust onto others (especially men).
And I didn’t really enjoy the *journey* of my creative projects because I was always rushing towards ensuring the outcome I wanted.
Underneath all the control was absolute terror.
So as my control patterns crumbled, I went through tremendous panic.
Months of feeling so irrationally unsafe that I had many moments of not wanting to live anymore.
And for much of it, I couldn’t see the beauty of where I was headed.
But slowly, my inner masculine capacity to be PRESENT to the chaos within me grew.
I started experiencing safety WITHIN myself like never before.
And I was initiated into a level of unshakeable TRUST in myself.
Sooo many fruits have come from this journey but the one I want to highlight most is that the feminine in me now feels safe to blossom like never before 🌸🌸🌸
As such I can be in a place of true receptivity and listening to how life wants to move through me.
I can rest as I am, as the “flower,” and trust that I can attract what I need into my life without “doing” anything… for all doing arises from the space of being, first.
And I cherish the journey. I am no longer under the delusion of “someday” and rather I am fulfilled by the unfolding mystery of each moment.
Feeling very blessed to have gone through this journey and experiencing the payoff both in business & relating of all kinds.