Sexual Breakthrough or Repeating Pattern?


What feels like a breakthrough for you, may be a repeating-pattern for someone else.⁠

And what feels like a breakthrough to someone else, might appear disempowering to you.⁠

This is why sexual empowerment can't "look" a certain way.⁠

For some, the next step in their evolution means being seen in their erotic expression.⁠

For others, it means conscious celibacy.⁠

Some days I want to share & celebrate my body for all to see!⁠

Other days, not so much.⁠

And let's be careful not to shame the shadow either...⁠

Those who are "seeking attention" with their sexuality are at an equally beautiful place in their path.⁠

Sometimes we need to explore the shadow expressions of sexuality to bring more to light.⁠

We can't analyze our way out of unconscious patterns.⁠

But we CAN explore them by bringing presence to what we feel while they play out.⁠

In my experience, fully engaging with a pattern has allowed for more effective integration than outright denial every time.⁠

So TRUST what you feel called towards, and know that it is serving you, until maybe it's not 💖⁠