What the Desire for Instant Success Reveals


I have noticed that when I am desiring instant success & recognition for something, that I am contributing in a way that is NOT in my highest joy.⁠

I want the end result of success + recognition immediately, because I am not actually enjoying the process of contributing in that way.

So there’s this exchange of compromise happening inside me:⁠

“I am contributing in this way ONLY because of the result I want.”⁠

Whereas, when I am joyfully contributing in a way that feels fun, expansive, & energizing, the need for recognition & quick success takes a back seat.⁠

When I want immediate success, I experience the greatest resistance.⁠

Because I am in a place of FORCE, i.e. not aligned with the path of ease & flow (which is the path of highest JOY).⁠

There are several kinds of entanglements that can keep me from aligning with my path of most joyful contribution.⁠

1. The pattern that says if I CAN contribute in a certain way, then I SHOULD.⁠

2. The challenge of setting boundaries for PULL-requests (i.e. saying no when someone asks me to support/guide them in a specific manner).⁠

3. The learned patterns of contributing in order to get my survival needs met as a child that I’ve become identified with, but actually are not joyful at all.⁠

To align with my most joyful path of contribution, the ongoing practice is of radical honesty with self AND of being willing to meet these emotional entanglements in the body --> so that the underlying wisdom & guidance of my body becomes recognizable ✨