Why I Lead From My Pleasure First
When it comes to pleasing another, I lead from MY pleasure first. No matter what.
If you don't follow this principle, you might judge it to be selfish.
But here's the truth:
If I'm not a full YES - aka if I'm not in MY pleasure - you feel it.
When I give from obligation,
Or when I over-step what feels good for ME in order to give to you,
You feel it.
Boundary violations don't just harm an individual, they harm the collective field.
Which means that even if I put on a convincing performance,
If I'm over-stepping myself in order to please you,
Your energetic body knows it on some level.
Why do you think it's WAAAAY more pleasurable to receive oral when the person is undeniably enthusiastic about it?
And why do you think it feels so awful to receive something given out of obligation?
There's a pattern that plays out unconsciously in relating of all kinds (family, friendship, partnership, & sex) that goes something like this:
You overextend yourself & give from obligation because at some point you learned that self-sacrifice is noble & necessary.
"That's what family is about"
"That's what partnership is about"
"That's what being a good lover is about"
You might even get egoic gratification from this pattern, thinking that giving, giving, giving makes you a "better person" or a great lover.
But most of us learned this way of relating because we were never modelled HEALTHY BOUNDARIES.
So you learned to over-step what feels good for YOU and expect others to do the same.
And then you resent those who DO set boundaries, because if you're unable to honour your OWN boundaries, you will not detect & respect the boundaries of others...
Plus you'll believe they're WRONG for honouring their boundaries.
Bottom line is that when you stay true to what feels good for YOU, you serve the highest good of ALL.
(And the highest pleasure of all 😏)