Where Are All the Masculine Men?


Do you long to be met deeply by the masculine?

Are you wondering where all the "masculine" men are??

The most powerful step you can take to truly invite the masculine to meet you - is to feel your own pain.

Feel the pain of not being met, without the expectation of needing the masculine (on the outside) to soothe that pain.

For most women, not being "met" touches on a trauma.

They then spiral into neediness, grasping, &/or rage in response to this trauma.

But actually, this response pushes the masculine further away (in most cases - with the exception being the men who have built the capacity to feel this "hook" into their system & stay in connection... which is quite high level...)

SO what to do??

The answer lies in BUILDING YOUR CAPACITY to feel your own pain & not react or fall into patterns.

Can you feel the pain of not being met - and simply be with it?

Notice all the automatic reactions that want to happen...

The reaching out, the needing, the "fixing" of the other person, the withdrawing...

Bring awareness to those patterns and again, just feel the pain of not being met.

As you do this, your capacity grows, and you develop the ability to feel this pain AND stay open to the masculine.

You no longer NEED him to meet you.

You are meeting yourself.

And it's actually NOT his job to meet you!!

Then the magical part is that once you no longer NEED him to meet you, the expectation drops, and he feels a shift.

When he is not EXPECTED to meet you in order to soothe your trauma, he is then more likely to come into connection & meet you in love.

And with your capacity now, you can actually love him. You can actually relate in truth rather than codependency.