"Make Him Wait to Have Sex With You"
“Make him wait to have sex with you” is a distortion of the truth.
The truth which is actually: Honour yourself.
When you KNOW your worth in your bones,
When you FEEL the sacredness of letting him (or her) into your body,
The GIFT you give them by opening yourself,
Your yoni,
Your womb,
Your heart...
When you know this,
You desire nothing less than their utter reverence & devotion to you.
“Make him wait” is weak advice.
Not because he should or shouldn’t wait.
But because the original TRUTH has been reduced to a “rule” for girls to follow without ANY embodied understanding of why it was ever important to begin with.
The true empowerment comes when a woman KNOWS her worth in every cell of her being.
And so she doesn’t have to think about “making him wait”
She doesn’t need to rely on yet another RULE for how she should sexually conduct herself.
She KNOWS he is either worthy of entering her, or he’s not.
She is empowered in her own knowing.
She doesn’t make him wait as a means to manipulating him or just so that he perceives her as a high-value woman (although this may be a side effect).
But she will make him wait until she FEELS his readiness.
Which might take hours, days, weeks, months, years…
There are no rules.
There is only: honour yourself.
The catch is that VERY few women grow up with this inherent sense of their wholeness.
So their barometer is off.
They can’t detect his reverence or lack-of because they don’t HAVE an embodied sense of their worth.
They don’t know what it means to honour themselves.
To make this worse, our culture shames women with low self-worth as if it’s their own fault.
Blaming them for the emptiness they feel inside as if they consciously chose that imprint for themselves.
Arriving at your wholeness doesn't occur by blindly obeying rules for how to conduct yourself.
It’s a felt-sense, and it’s discovered within (often via a painful journey).
Or in some cases, it’s a transmission that a child received from a young age, typically from a parent who deeply knew THEIR wholeness, and so could reflect this knowing back to the child.
I know very few women who have this inherent knowing.
But if they do, I can recognize it a mile away.
Their worthiness oozes out of them.
And they naturally attract high-value people & situations.
So it’s time to stop wondering if you’re following the right “rules”
It’s time to stop passing “guidance” on to other girls & women that’s a half-assed version of truth.
It’s not about playing things right so that he chooses you or stays with you or whatever it is you want.
It’s about settling for nothing less than the outward manifestation of the reverence & devotion you have for YOURSELF.
Because you know it within yourself, first.