True Surrender is an Initiation


As the old ideas & beliefs of what was "safe" fall away on your journey of awakening,⁠

Your system goes through a massively uncomfortable reorientation.⁠

You reach for the old ideas, places, people, & things to give you a sense of safety,⁠

But something in you no longer believes in those things.⁠

Something in you has seen through them.⁠

Meanwhile, you haven't yet found safety within yourself.⁠

So you go through your days with an overwhelming feeling of being UNSAFE &/or out of control.⁠

It's irrational, because in this present moment you ARE safe.⁠

And some part of you recognizes that.⁠

But another part is freaking out.⁠

And you might even feel that you'd prefer to have the old constructs back.⁠

You've passed the point of no return.⁠

This is a powerful initiation.⁠

You're essentially in free-fall,⁠

And you're literally being BIRTHED into discovering the true meaning of surrender.⁠

There's nothing left to do except let. go.⁠

And in this letting go,⁠

You are given a gift that can never be taken from you: trust.⁠

Trust is not faith.⁠

It's not hope.⁠

It's not a belief (it doesn't come from the mind).⁠

It's a KNOWING.⁠

And no one can give you this knowing.⁠

You can only discover it for yourself on the other side of that which you once feared & resisted.⁠