The Empowered Woman

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An Open Letter to the Man Who Called Me Last Friday...

An open letter to the man who called me last Friday night with a blocked number and stated that he wants to “fuck me repeatedly”⁠

(And a letter to all men who have ever violated my boundaries)⁠

Men, you will NEVER receive the keys to the kingdom and the true gifts of the feminine until you can honour her- within yourself and within ALL women around you.⁠

Until you recognize and revere the feminine, you will remain a little boy. ⁠

You will live in your delusion of separation and entitlement to her sex. ⁠

“Taking” from and abusing the feminine but never actually gaining anything. ⁠

In fact, you don’t recognize it yet but when you harm her, you harm yourself. ⁠

You’re out of integrity and your behaviour only reinforces your inner lack of self-worth & alignment. ⁠

The true gifts of the feminine can’t be taken without permission. ⁠

They are given to those who are worthy. ⁠

Those who are in DEVOTED service to her. ⁠

This is not about just worshipping a woman. ⁠

It’s about worshipping that which gives LIFE to you and ALL THAT IS. ⁠

So next time you want to feel powerful by crossing a woman’s boundary and taking what isn’t yours,⁠

Next time you think it might be “fun” to call me up with a blocked number on a Friday night and harass me with your entitlement to my sexuality,⁠

Remember that you’re not only violating me,⁠

And you're not only violating YOURSELF,⁠

You're perpetuating a MASSIVE collective wound felt in all of us.⁠

You are NOT separate from the feminine.⁠

In fact, you are NOTHING without her.⁠

So for all of us, please start showing up as the divine masculine consciousness you came here to be.⁠