The Perks of Promiscuity
In the early stages of my sexual empowerment journey, it was empowering to pursue my own pleasure with no attachments.
Promiscuity WAS empowering.
Firstly because I was claiming, owning, & pursuing MY pleasure.
I was transcending the labels & taboos that a woman who has lots of sex is a slut, whore, low-value woman, etc...
I was also proving to myself that I could enjoy sex without becoming emotionally invested... I could "f*ck like a man"
Plus, I learned through pop culture that a give-no-f*cks woman who has sex with men and throws them away afterwards is "powerful"
I wasn't about to follow any "rules" around how I should/shouldn't be sexual.
And when other women preached "make a man wait"... I hated it. I thought this advice was pathetic & disempowering.
Those years were genuinely empowering, and they served a purpose.
However, the further I went down this path, the more CONNECTED I became to myself, my body, my sexuality, my energetic field...
And I noticed that as time went on, I became more DISCERNING.
Not because I felt I "should" be - but because I WANTED to be.
I started noticing the effects of having casual sex with unconscious partners who are not present.
The effects of bypassing the subtlety of the energetic body in the name of a quick thrill...
And how these effects extended far beyond the container of a simple sexual encounter.
Nowadays years later, I am waaaay more discerning than I ever thought I would be.
I now EMBODY the wisdom that underlies many regurgitated "rules" because I trusted myself & what I was called to explore, above all else.
To me, this is far more valuable than having mindlessly followed someone else's advice from day one.
There is no "right" way to be sexually empowered, there is only what is empowering for you, right now.
So if promiscuity appeals to you now, trust that.
If abstinence appeals to you now, trust that.
My vision of empowerment for all is not to have everyone following a rule-book, it's about guiding you to become more connected to YOU.