Personality Deconstruction & Ongoing Death/Rebirth


We create our lives based upon the structures & patterns in our nervous system.

This is why, as we awaken & MEET the early trauma in our nervous system, our life can no longer look the same.

This is why the path of true awakening - of meeting our pain - is a continual death at the same time that it is a birth.

Death of the old structure & what stood upon it.

Birth of the new life that wants to express itself.

Every time we can meet unconscious aspects of self with presence, some part of the identity disintegrates and truthfully we can NEVER know how subtle or significant that dying piece is, until it’s gone.

Some people seem to be able to resist this process for most of their life. Their patterns are strong enough and their suffering is mild enough that they can make it to the end with an in-tact personality structure.

Others are the exact opposite. We feel as if there was never a choice but to awaken. There is so much energy within us that wants us to wake up.

(Though the amount of courage to say yes to this path should never go without mention).

You could say this energy is related to the degree of internal suffering we experience, which is why many SENSITIVE people wake up.

It is MORE painful to resist the deconstruction and stay in our personality structure, than to descend into it.

While we grieve our old lives, sometimes for a second wishing we could still live like that, we rejoice in a deep freedom knowing we would never actually CHOOSE to go back to them.

I’m interested in living my life alongside these people.

The ones who can see the essence that wants to express itself, beyond the personality structures.

The ones who celebrate the absolute perfection of each individual path. Because we understand what it takes to walk it.

If my ongoing awakening has gifted me with anything, it is deep compassion & forgiveness of what appears to be imperfection.

And actually a recognition that the weird, seemingly-fucked-up, out there, insane aspects of people & life are... 👌 *chef's kiss*