Respecting Men as a Doorway to Receptivity
The more I understand & RESPECT what is important to men (+ the archetypically masculine psyche), the less I feel the need to make demands upon men, and instead I experience awe, admiration, & gratitude.
Respecting him does several things for me…
In order to respect him, I am HUMBLED into self-responsibility. I meet my own pain, rather than needing him to save me from it.
When I am unconsciously scrambling & attempting to “hook” (manipulate) a man into meeting aspects of me that are actually MY OWN responsibility to meet,
(Often: unintegrated child aspects of self that were not healthily met at a young age)
(Also: unintegrated feminine traumas experienced at the individual & collective level)
I cannot be authentically RECEPTIVE to masculine penetration, which means I cannot be receptive to the GIFTS of the masculine.
For the modern-day woman, it is a “heroine’s journey” to arrive at a place of genuinely respecting men.
NOT for a second because men are not “worthy” of this respect…
It is a heroine’s journey to arrive at an embodied place of respecting the masculine, because of the ways a woman must MEET herself to unravel the trauma, conditioning, and especially victim consciousness that she has acquired.
Respecting him is an initiation into HER own power.
What is so profound & awe-inspiring about this journey is it allows us to become RECEPTIVE to that which already exists.
The gifts/penetration of the masculine are ABUNDANT and yet we cannot recognize this while being disrespectful (i.e. non-receptive).
For me, the doorway to respecting men has been understanding men.
Being genuinely interested in knowing what is important to men.
And thus valuing what HE VALUES. Knowing that by doing so, I am valuing MYSELF simultaneously.
Because I become available to receive his penetration (in my life & in my sex)
Which happens to be a deep (the deepest?) feminine VALUE 🥰😉
The early process of unravelling patterns of emasculation is present & integrated within my teachings inside The Art of Cock Worship Online Course.