How the Inner Masculine Offers Safety to Your Inner Feminine
Inner masculine cultivation provides the SAFETY you require to rest in your feminine.
Many women believe they are being "too masculine" when in fact their addiction to doing, stress, & control is the JUNIOR masculine response to feeling unsafe.
The SENIOR masculine has the ability to provide a safe container not because he necessarily CONTROLS everything, but because he can remain present & unwavering amidst the chaos.
This true inner masculine cultivation is rare among both men and women.
Because it has a to do with nervous system capacity.
And I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but its a rare sight to see a healthy, integrated nervous system in our society.
You cannot remain steady & unwavering amidst chaos or big body sensations when your nervous system is inherently overwhelmed or traumatized.
And forcing yourself to remain present when your body is screaming “no” is not healthy either.
In my experience, healthy inner masculine cultivation (which ALLOWS you to feel safe inhabiting your feminine essence) largely comes down to listening & honouring the body while skillfully working with the nervous system —> to integrate trauma —> and thus build capacity.
The more CAPACITY you have, the more you can remain present to life without becoming overwhelmed, reactive, panicky, etc.
THEN —> the more you can actually let the inner feminine wisdom LEAD you because you actually have the space to HEAR her once your controlling junior masc. patterns fall away.