The Empowered Woman

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The Subtleties of Opening a Woman

Part of sensing a woman and your own inner feminine deeply, is recognizing the subtle boundaries and ways she is NOT inviting penetration (energetically or physically) in any given moment.

When “conscious men” go around opening women deeply with their penetrating presence and do not sense all the other ways her subtle body is requesting to be met before being blasted open, this is not in service - this is an abuse of the feminine for egoic fulfillment.

This is not intended to be an attack on men or the masculine, but rather an invitation for each of us to sense our inner feminine (whether you are man or woman) with greater attunement.

Notice the ways she IS inviting penetration but also the ways she is longing to be met with more gentleness, recognition, or even spaciousness before there is a full YES.⁠ ⁠

This is relevant on the energetic level but especially when it comes to the readiness & openness of a woman's yoni.⁠