What If My Partner Isn't Spiritual Like Me?


Many women wonder if they can sustain a relationship where they are going deep in their spiritual journey but their partner is not.

The question often arises, can you bring your partner with you?

Here is my answer:

The feminine can lead and she often DOES.

But not in a pulling, demanding, immature manner that many associate with leadership.

The feminine leads by INVITING.

She holds frequencies, codes, & information in her body and can offer this to the masculine.

But here’s the key:

He must have an INTEREST in this information.

His BEING must be hungry for it.

Not his mind. It doesn’t matter what his head says.

You can feel it… whether his BEING is seeking the information you hold.

And when you feel his interest, you can invite, and he can step in.

*This does not work in a co-dependent dynamic!*

When you NEED him to be interested in your codes, and you’re manipulating or trying to “hook” him into deeper intimacy, it will have the OPPOSITE effect.

This will actually repel him because on some level his system can feel that the invitation is not clean.

How do you provide a CLEAN invitation?

You cultivate your inner masculine capacity to HOLD yourself.

You take ownership for your inner little girl and BECOME the parent to her, rather than looking for him to be this while simultaneously trying to get him to meet you spiritually/sexually 😂

I’m laughing because it’s so fucking true and I’ve done this 😂😂😂

Like… “be the parent I never had, be the outer masculine I’ve always needed, AND fuck me open like the woman-Goddess I am”

It’s so icky!

If you want him to meet you in your fullness, you must have capacity to hold & meet yourself.

Meet your pain of having NOT been met by the masculine as a child, so you stop making it his responsibility.

Bottom line - yes, you can lead in relationship but YOUR inner masculine is responsible for providing an invitation that does not come with a bunch of unconscious hooks.

Meaning that, if he does NOT step in to the invitation, you will feel perfectly stable ❤️