Sacred Union is an Ancient Technology


Sacred union is one of the most ancient and powerful technologies we have available to us.

Not only does it bring babies into this world, but it is designed to protect and carry lineages into the future, far past our sight and knowing.

Men and women coming together in devotion and love is essential to the continuation of humanity; carrying on the legacy of our lineage is why we are here.

The primordial wisdom of the sperm and egg is the origination of sacred union. The egg literally magnetizes the sperm towards her; all the egg needs to do is pulse her desires out into the world, and rest in the knowing that her innate magnetism will draw whatever is needed to satiate those desires back to her.

When the man is magnetized to the woman and the sperm enters the vaginal canal, an orgasm will signal the cervix to draw the sperm up towards the egg. There are studies that are uncovering how the sperm and egg may be in conversation with each other not days, but months before conception actually takes place.

We are so much more intricately designed than we realize!

Within sacred union, the masculine and the feminine each have their own sacred roles and energetic frequencies.

The masculine energy sets the container for the relationship. You can think of it as an energetic sphere around the man, the woman and their love. The man’s role is not only to set the container, but to hold it strong, steady and protected.

The man is the relationship’s first line of defence in this world; the feminine requires safety for her medicine to be activated.

Once the feminine feels a sense of safety with her man, she softens and expands to fill the container. When her energy can flow freely within the relationship, she will naturally tend, nurture and soothe the man with her devotion.

He protects her from the outer world, and she supports him from the inner world.

Both men and women have a central place in their bodies where they are guided from; an internal compass, if you will.

For the men, the heart is the center point. The heart is the most aligned place for men to move from in sacred union.

For women, the wombspace is the center point, and thus is the highest place for a woman to be in the relationship. When the man is fully occupying his heart and the woman is fully embodied in her womb, these two centres start to work together in union to guide and strengthen the energetic field of the relationship.

Not only does sacred union invite us to step fully into our true divine expression as men and women, but it creates a safe and loving place for babies to come in.

The masculine and feminine alchemize all of the data and memory of their ancestors and bloodlines, and give birth to an entirely new bloodline in the form of a descendant. So much of what sacred union is here to do is to carry the lineage forwards into legacy.

This is so much bigger that solely conscious sex or relationship goals.

If you currently find yourself in a relationship, look around. Take a good look at where you are getting in the way or simply not trusting the ancient wisdom of your body.

Maybe you feel disconnected to your heart or womb, maybe the walls of your container are flimsy in some spots, or maybe the energy inside of the container isn’t flowing in a harmonious way.

Whatever it is, allow yourself to notice it without judgment or attachment to anything in particular. Just receive this information, and then ask your heart or womb to guide you back into connection with this sacred technology that lies within you.

It’s also important to note that sacred union isn’t just an outside job; you need to establish a relationship with your inner masculine and feminine energies as well.

When your inner masculine is standing in his power and creating safety for your feminine you may feel a strong sense of self, more confidence, and are creating and upholding boundaries with ease.

When your inner masculine is not doing his duty, you may feel let down easily by others, you may have a hard time keeping your word to self or others, and you may worry about being provided for.

Create a relationship with your inner masculine so you can build him up and be wise enough to know the difference when he requires help coming back into the heart.

When your inner feminine is standing in her truth you may feel soft-hearted, sensual, expanded, nurturing and romantic. When your inner feminine is not in alignment you may feel misunderstood, lonely, unsafe, scattered or unloveable.

Create intimacy and trust with your inner feminine so you can soothe her and invite her to rise into her devotional beauty once more.

Once you cultivate a loving relationship with your internal masculine and feminine, it ripples out into the external world, calling forth an alignment with sacred union.

As you can see, sacred union is a powerful ancient technology that pulses within our bodies. It is the place that alchemizes ancestors into descendants, all wrapped up in the love of a man and woman.

May we remember how incredible this organic design truly is, and hold it in the reverence it deserves.

Written by Autumn Rose

Autumn Rose is a mother, writer, storyteller & women’s embodiment guide devoted to empowering the feminine frequency and midwifing her back to her rightful home - in the body. Follow Autumn on Instagram @embodyjaguar.