How to Respond to a Collective Trauma Vortex


The most impactful thing you can do, in the midst of a collective trauma vortex, is to remain in your centre.⁠

When everyone is shouting, “take a stand!” or “if you’re not WITH this movement you’re AGAINST it!”⁠

You can be sure that not one of those people is coming from their centre. ⁠

Because those living from their centre, do not vehemently try to pull others out of their centre,⁠

Which is exactly what sensationalized, panicky messaging does.⁠

In the midst of the many collective trauma vortexes that have occurred over the past year, ⁠

This has consistently been my message.⁠

Stay in your centre.⁠

What does this look like?

It’s the place of knowing that lies deeper than any emotional activation.

It’s where your inner masculine can be truly present to the inner feminine’s activation - without trying to SOLVE it.

Or, where the inner child realizes she is accompanied by an adult nervous system.

This isn’t about non-doing. It’s about recognizing whether you are taking action from a place of service & connection, or if you are in a trauma-response masquerading as nobility.

When you’re feeling pressure, fear, or urgency,⁠

And you’re frantically trying to figure out how best to express what’s moving through you,⁠

Find your centre - and take action (or don’t) from there.⁠

Lastly, this is your permission slip to take as LONG as you need, to find your centre.⁠

Regardless of any amount of collective urgency swirling about.⁠

Because in truth, living from your centre is the greatest service you can offer this world.⁠