My Latest Erotic Exploration in Dating
These past couple of weeks I’ve been exploring the part of myself that is dying to TEST a man in every way I know how,
Only to be utterly PUT IN MY PLACE.
(Whereas I've previously withheld this urge to test - because I was afraid of touching a nerve that would result in me being projected onto in some way, or afraid of making him feel like less of a man).
There is basically nothing more erotic to me at this point, than this.
A man who cuts through all of my testing, teasing, & play and dominates the fuck out of me, knowing fully that he is the fucking king, and claims me as his own at the same time.
And I desire a man who is a master at this.
Experiencing this frequency in my dating life has shown me that never again will I settle for this quality being absent in romantic relating.
No, it is not enough for it to be something a man is interested in developing in himself.
It is a capacity that must be present (and well developed!), or the relating is literally not worth it to me 😈
It opens me in the most exquisite, delicious way - to know that he is unwavering in his dominance & claim of me at the same time.
Dating gives us this opportunity - to identify which frequencies our own body is most seeking.
To identify the masculine (or feminine) frequencies that nourish us the most deeply.
And the frequencies that support us to shine as our brightest selves in partnership.
Ultimately this is an exploration of finding the puzzle pieces that our own system is needing, to experience wholeness within.
And it is often through experiencing them externally, that we develop a map for them internally ✨