Pussy as the Doorway to Universal Feminine Intelligence


⁠Leading your life based on the guidance of your yoni & womb is literally about learning how to surrender to the FEMININE INTELLIGENCE of the universe.⁠

It is a series of ongoing ego-deaths.⁠

We grow up learning that our feelings & choices have to "make sense".... they have to be "rational".... we have to be able to explain "WHY"...⁠

We learned to value rationality and sense-making but the feminine intelligence that guides all things is not rational. ⁠

Personally as I am guided by her, I still try to justify WHY... "oh this must mean this..."⁠

But we never really know for sure what her plan is.⁠

This lack of logical understanding & certainty is why so many people don't trust her to begin with.⁠

People resort to rationality to guide their lives because it is "SAFER" than unconditionally following the inner knowing.⁠

Surrendering to the feminine intelligence (that is accessible by ALL, regardless of sex/gender) is a continuous initiation.⁠

She guides you into deeper & deeper states of surrender.⁠

Until you are no longer living a life that makes much "sense" at all... ✨⁠

You are living based on moment-by-moment guidance.⁠

In full trust that SHE is serving the highest good of all.⁠

For me this has been a profoundly deep path and it all began with... consciously connecting to my vagina 💦⁠

When I started listening to my yoni, she sent me down the rabbit hole of understanding the feminine intelligence within ALL life.⁠

This is what I guide women through in my 4-week course Viva La Vagina.