Solving Your Yoni "Problems"
So often the yoni "problems" women experience (eg. BV, yeast infections, pussy pain, UTI's) are actually their yoni's message to them!
Although yoni issues can certainly be complex and may require deep healing, often the solution is as simple as learning to LISTEN to your yoni.
When you do this, you may find that actually, she is NOT ready for penetration as easily as you believed.
You may find that she HATES the tight panties you wear every day.
You may find that she is PISSED with you for allowing unconscious lovers who don't fully honour you - to enter your body.
I've heard so many stories from women who've had chronic "yeast infections" and then when they finally realized that they did NOT actually want to be sexually relating with their current partner/lover - the yeast infections "magically" go away!
I totally understand the solution is not so obvious for many women as what I've stated above. But what I suggest you do, if you are experiencing yoni issues, is actually meditate and ASK your yoni what she wants to tell you.
I offer a guided meditation for this in my online course Viva La Vagina where women actually enter into a "conversation" with their vagina.
In fact the entire Week 1 (the WHOLE COURSE, really) is about learning to listen to & honour your yoni.
Because 99.99999% of women I know were never taught this.
Including myself! Which is why I went on this journey and then began teaching it to others 💖