
Week 1

Week 1

Viva La Vagina



This week we are setting the foundation to literally transform your life through your connection with your vagina. This is powerful work, and I encourage you to strongly commit.

Watching these videos will create an impact, but the real change comes from integrating this content into your life. The value you receive from this course will be a reflection of your commitment to fully engaging, completing the reflections, and doing the practices. I am thrilled to share this journey with you!

Step 1: Join our exclusive Facebook Group here.

Step 2: Introduce yourself in the group by posting a photo of yourself & sharing your intention for joining the course.


Identifying Beliefs & Stories

In this video we bring awareness to the beliefs, feelings, and stories that you carry about your vagina and sexuality as a woman.

Reflection Questions

  1. How do you feel towards your vagina? Think about her smell, taste, and appearance. Write down your honest thoughts and feelings.

  2. How do you feel about your body's processes and capabilities as a woman? i.e. menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth

  3. Reflect on how the slut/prude dichotomy has caused you to alter your expression of your sexuality.

  4. Choose a feminine archetype to embody. This can be any symbolic woman whose qualities you want to evoke authentically from within.

  5. Bonus: Write a letter to your vagina acknowledging how you feel towards her, any resentments you hold, and then apologizing and forgiving.

Self-Honouring & Boundaries

Acknowledging the ways in which you have not honoured yourself and your vagina.

Reflection Questions

  1. In what ways have you dishonoured your vagina in the past?

  2. When have you not upheld your sexual boundaries?

  3. Write down what your vagina means to you. Create a written commitment & agreement with your yoni to honour her.

Life Lubrication

Throwing out the lube. How to use your vagina as your barometer for love, sex, and life.

Listening to your yoni now, leads to mind-blowing pleasure later…

The truth is that your yoni & body knows the path to deeper pleasure & orgasms. The issue is that many women cannot access this inherent wisdom & guidance because they are so used to overriding it. If you’ve fallen into the trap of chasing or forcing pleasure, rather than becoming present to what your body is wanting from you, then your pursuit of pleasure will only go so far.

Awakening your sexual potential is a journey of surrendering to the feminine within you. This means that the more you learn to listen to the subtle messages from your yoni, and the more you HONOUR those messages, the more easily she can guide you into deeper pleasure.

In addition, when you honour yourself, you create SAFETY for your nervous system. The more safe you feel within yourself (i.e. you can acknowledge & honour your “no”), the more pleasure you can experience because your “yes” becomes a full-bodied YES!

Practice: Yoni Gazing

A powerful practice to reveal and release your beliefs, feelings, and stories associated with your vagina. Get to know and love her.

Set a timer for a minimum of 5 minutes. Upon completing the practice, you may want to journal about your experience.

Repeat this practice whenever you intuitively feel called to connect with your yoni in this way.

Week 1 Challenge

Share your realizations & progress in our Private Facebook Group - by writing or posting a video! Your vulnerability and sharing will keep you accountable, plus it is encouraging & supportive for the other courageous women doing this work alongside you.

Specifically, I invite you to share about your experience of Yoni Gazing & the reflection questions.

For questions or support, reach out to the community in our Private Facebook Group or contact my team using the form below.

Courtney xx

Copyright © 2021 Courtney Davis - All Rights Reserved