
Week 4

Week 4

Viva La Vagina



The final week in our journey together - this week is all about holistic vagina love and care! Pay special attention to the expert resources provided in this module if you desire to take your yoni care to the next level.


INTRO: Jade Yoni Egg Practice

Learn the benefits & how to choose the right yoni egg for you.

Choose your own high-quality yoni egg here.


  • The many benefits of this practice!

  • Choose a drilled yoni egg (Select a crystal that calls you! Your intuition knows best)

  • Thread & tie string through your egg

  • Minimum 3x/week

HOW TO: Jade Yoni Egg Practice

  1. Lay down in a quiet, private space

  2. Set an intention

  3. Hold the egg at the entrance of your yoni

  4. 15 repetitions in the middle of your yoni, near the cervix, and near the entrance

  5. Inhale & Relax

  6. Exhale & Engage (while you pull down on the string)

  7. Visualize the activation of specific areas in your vagina

  8. Express gratitude to your yoni at the end

**With this technique, you will notice the benefits & increase in strength very quickly!**

Breast Massage

Breast-heart connection, breast health, and breast massage.

My absolute favourite breast massage oil is by Living Libations, you can purchase it here.

Yoni Health

How to maintain healthy bacterial balance inside the yoni, and re-considering some of the things you may be putting inside your vagina.

UTI treatment: D-mannose. You can buy this from various health food stores, as it's typically in the form of a concentrated powder derived from cranberry. Take one big spoonful in water 3 times daily, and drink lots of water.

Go deeper: Read Nadine Artemis' book Renegade Beauty and learn all about holistic, natural beauty practices and yoni care.

Working with your Menstrual Cycle

Allowing your menstrual cycle to become a source of power rather than pain. Learn how to work with your cycle as this is an important part of having a loving relationship with yourself and your vagina.

Additional considerations I've written for various birth control methods can be found here.

Natural Fertility Tracking: Observing various signs from your body as to when you are ovulating each month. These signs include changes in cervical mucous and basal temperature. One specific method to do this is The Billings Method.

Natural Hormone Healing

Enjoy this interview with Madeline Mackinnon, where we discuss:

  • The phases of the menstrual cycle and how they impact your mood, libido, communication, & nutrient requirements

  • Symptoms of a hormone imbalance

  • How nutrition and eating for the phases of the cycle will balance your hormones

  • How hormones can impact our sex life (libido & lubrication)

  • The Top 3 Herbs for Better Libido, Pleasure, & Sex

    1. Shatavari

    2. Schizandra Berry

    3. Damiana

Madeline MacKinnon is an expert on natural women's hormone balance. She uses a combination of functional nutrition, lifestyle and stress management, and herbal recommendations to treat women during their menstrual years. By utilizing different foods and self-care techniques in time with each phase of the menstrual cycle, you can accentuate the positive of your cycle and leave the pain (both physical and psychological) behind. Learn more at www.naturalhormonehealing.com


Yoni Steaming

We have recently brought yoni steaming herbs into the shop! While there are many physical benefits of yoni steaming (listed here), I personally LOVE the practice of steaming because it is a powerful way to bring presence to the pelvic bowl & energetically cleanse the womb space (i.e. release the energy of past lovers).

You may like to follow the Week 2 Womb-Clearing Meditation while yoni steaming. The instructions to steam are provided below. Our specially formulated organic yoni steaming herbs can be found here.

How to Yoni Steam

1) Bring 2 cups of water to boil (or more, as some will evaporate)

2) Add 3 tbsp of herbs to the bowl you intend to sit overtop of (the bowl should be wide-lipped and thus comfortable enough to kneel/squat over while being able to rest your weight fully on it for 15+ minutes)

3) Pour ~2 cups of the boiling water over the herbs, then COVER the bowl (with a lid, plate, etc.) so that the water can cool slightly, but that the volatile oils from the herbs won’t evaporate into the steam just yet.

4) Set an intention for your steam.

Examples: to release the energy of past lovers, to become a clear creative vessel, to access your womb’s wisdom; etc.

5) After waiting a few minutes so that the water isn’t SO hot that the steam burns you, you can kneel over the bowl (we recommend wearing a skirt, dress, or wrapping your waist in a towel so that it can drape over & around your legs)

6) Adjust yourself over the bowl so that you can feel the steam rising & warming your yoni.

7) Steam for ~20 minutes. I suggest doing a guided womb healing meditation (like the one in Week 2), or simply bring your awareness to your breath & womb while visualizing your intention.

8) Lay down or else be sure to move slowly after your steam to allow yourself some time to integrate the physical, emotional, mental, & energetic shifts that may have occurred.

Week 4 Challenge

Celebrate your success! Let us know in the Private Facebook Group that you’ve completed the course. Have you begun your Yoni Egg practice? What has changed in your life (sexually & otherwise) as a result of doing this work?

I can’t wait to see what you share!

Courtney xx



I truly appreciate you being here, and it would mean the world to me if you submitted a testimonial through the form below. We also provide extra perks for super sexy video testimonials sent to hello@empoweredwoman.ca ;)


I am honoured to have supported your journey! And the exciting part is... it's only just begun!

Thank you for your courage and willingness to venture into your relationship with your vagina.

If you have any feedback or remaining questions, please submit them through the contact form below.

Courtney xx


Copyright © 2020 Courtney Davis - All Rights Reserved